Tutti gli articoli di cisuadmin

Studi medievali e umanistici, XIII


XIII (2015)

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2015, 338 pp., tavv. XV; 25 cm.
ISSN 2035-3774

€ 120





Caterina Malta, L’ultimo tempo della meditatio historiae. Per la vicenda redazionale del terzo Triumphus Fame del Petrarca
Daniela Gionta, Epigrafia antica e ideologia politica nell’Italia del Quattrocento
Rossella Bianchi, Nella biblioteca di Angelo Colocci: libri già noti e nuove identificazioni
Paola de Capua, Pietro Corsi e l’ecloga Erasmus
Vincenzo Fera, Agostino Sottili e Petrarca
Laura Refe, In ricordo di Simona Mercuri

L. Orlandi, Escerti galenici nella biblioteca di Teodoro Gaza
C. Corfiati, ‘Nuove’ carte Michelozzi
D. Speranzi, La soluzione di un ‘enigma cretese’. Marco Musuro e il Par. gr. 2964
P. Megna, Problemi di metodo a proposito di una recente edizione polizianea

Indice delle tavole
Indice dei manoscritti e delle fonti d’archivio
Indice dei nomi



CATERINA MALTA, L’ultimo tempo della meditatio historiae. Per la vicenda redazionale del terzo
The paper aims at investigating the philological issue of the editorial history of the third Triumphus Fame. After the sixteenth-century debate, the entire issue was reopened (with contrasting views that lasted till the present age) thanks to the discovery, made in 1950 by R. Weiss, of a copy of the third Tr. Fame kept in ms. Harley 3264 at the British Library and which is different from the vulgata. A new copy was then discovered in 1983 by G. Frasso in the Inc. 86 K 18 of the British Library (IB 25926). By the analysis of the testimonial weight of the apographs, it was possible to explain the relationship between the vulgata (Tr. Fame III) and the rediscovered text (Tr. Fame IIa), which is not an earlier refused draft but a later version. The results of the philological analysis were supported by a close examination of the cultural depth of the verses of the Triumphus. The analysis reached towards a promotion of any relevant reading clue coming from the historians and poets present in the catalogue of the alleged draft, which were then put in comparison with the same elements present in the vulgata. The incidence of the Christian historiography and the ideologic impact deriving from the insertion of the figure of David have confirmed that it is a cultural model in line with Petrarchan  senility and which is extraordinarily in syntony with the production of the last decade of his life.

DANIELA GIONTA, Epigrafia antica e ideologia politica nell’Italia del Quattrocento
This research focuses on the reception of classical inscriptions in the frame of Renaissance Italy’s variegated political geography. In the age of humanism the revival of interest in the ancient world and its sources, the craving for pure Latinity, and the spreading  knowledge of the Greek language  paved the way toward a growing sensibility for epigraphic documents. On the basis of rediscovered Roman inscriptions, numerous towns and cities of Northern Italy reasserted their civic identities: inscriptions started playing a pivotal role in humanistic historiography, providing important material to support ideological and political trends. For the first time, the A. identifies a gallery of cases in which tituli of various types, misunderstood in purpose or not, become instrumental in promoting municipal politics.

ROSSELLA BIANCHI, Nella biblioteca di Angelo Colocci: libri già noti e nuove identificazioni
The A. offers a comprehensive overview of the state of the studies on Angelo Colocci’s library, which was one of the most notable during the humanistic age. Furthermore she provides a considerable contribution to the recomposition of the library collection, whereas she identifies and describes a large group of manuscripts which once were part of it and now they belong to the Vatican Library.

PAOLA DE CAPUA, Pietro Corsi e l’ecloga Erasmus
In the literary production of the humanist Pietro Corsi, active in Rome in the first half of the XVI century, known for engaging in controversy with Erasmus of Rotterdam (1534-35), the eclogue Erasmus, printed in Rome 1513, is still unexplored. Through an accurate investigation of the eclogue’s contents, the article proves total non-involvement of Erasmus of Rotterdam in the eclogue, which is rather anchored to the pope Iulius II’s milieu. Erasmus seems to be a fictitious name, which hides a powerful and trusty papal secretary, a generous patron who died during the offensive to reconquer Bologna: in light of significants confirmations the identification proposal heads towards the name of Sigismondo de’ Conti, a well-known Iulius II’s cubicularius.

L. ORLANDI, Escerti galenici nella biblioteca di Teodoro Gaza
The purpose of this paper is to give new insight into the codex Par. gr. 2283, which contains several excerpts from Galenic works. The scribe of this neglected notebook (usually dated to the XVI century) has been hereby first identified with Theodore Gazes.

C. CORFIATI, ‘Nuove’ carte Michelozzi
Some unknown manuscripts of Bernardo Michelozzi (brother of Niccolò and diplomat under the Medici’s family, especially at the service of cardinal Giovanni, later pope Leo X) are preserved within the Autografi Patetta in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (mostly draft of letters, dated roughly from 1482 to 1509). This paper retraces the history of the Gaddi-Michelozzi document collection and focuses on this recent discovery.

D. SPERANZI, La soluzione di un ‘enigma cretese’. Marco Musuro e il Par. gr. 2964
The study focuses on the analysis of the manuscript Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Grec 2649, hitherto neglected. Belonged to Janus Lascaris and annotated by him, this codex was written in Florence by four scribes; three of them are identified here, for the first time: the so-called Anonymus Vindobonensis, Aristoboulos Apostolios and Marcus Musurus. The Auszeichnungsmajuskelused by Musurus allows to demonstrate the identification between the scribe Mάρκος M. and Musurus himself: the ‘riddle’ of his Cretan manuscripts pointed out by the author some years ago has finally been solved.

Medioevo per Enrico Pispisa


scritti promossi e curati da
L. Catalioto, P. Corsi, E. Cuozzo, G. Sangermano,
S. Tramontana, B. Vetere

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2014, 490 pp.; 23 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-56-4

€ 70




Vincenzo Fera, Umanesimo di un medievista
Salvatore Tramontana, Enrico Pispisa. La sua vita con la storia
Bibliografia degli scritti di Enrico Pispisa
Lorenzo Barile, «La strada dell’arricchirsi a tanti mercanti» e il «fallire poi sopra la roba d’altri»: origine e diffusione dei banchi pubblici e privati nel Mezzogiorno medievale
Clara Biondi, Il testamento di Damiano Sallimpipi. Un «miles» nella Sicilia del Trecento
Luciano Catalioto, Bartolomeo Varelli de Lentino: un vescovo ribelle tra Svevi e Angioini
Pasquale Corsi, Da Siponto a Manfredonia: una questione ancora aperta
Errico Cuozzo – Rosanna Alaggio, La presenza degli Amalfitani nella Puglia medievale
Pietro Dalena, Popolamento e viabilità «in tenimento Sancti Marci Vallegrati» (secc. XI-XIII)
Fulvio delle Donne, L’«Historia» del cosiddetto Iamsilla e le origini del Vespro
Cosimo Damiano Fonseca, L’agiografia di San Laverio di Giacomo Racioppi: ricerche e problemi
Patrizia Mainoni, I mundualdi nella Puglia medievale: alcuni quesiti dalla lettura dei documenti (secc. XII-XIV)
Jean-Marie Martin, Révoltes urbaines, communes et podestats dans le royaume de Sicile après la mort de Frédéric II (1251-1257)
Massimo Oldoni, Un mito inutile. Normanni d’Italia e storiografi d’Europa
Biagio Saitta, La vendita dei figli nell’Italia ostrogota
Marina Scarlata, Città portuali e spazi urbani. Palermo e Messina nei secoli
Francesco Paolo Tocco, Nuove suggestioni da una ‘vexata quaestio’: ancora una biografia di Ruggero II?
Elisa Vermiglio, «Ad bonam fortunam et risicum dei maris et gentium». Scambi e commerci nel Quattrocento messinese
Benedetto Vetere, La città e il limite

Indice dei manoscritti e delle fonti d’archivio
Indice dei luoghi
Indice dei nomi

U’ ben s’impingua, se non si vaneggia


Per P. Fiorenzo Fiore. Nel suo 75° genetliaco,
a 50 anni dall’ordinazione sacerdotale
a cura di Giuseppe Lipari

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2015, 542 pp.; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-60-1

€ 85




Vincenzo Fera, Lectoribus
Padre Fiorenzo Fiore
Tabula gratulatoria
Dario Brancato, Una parodia messinese del Galateo: il Cittadinus Maccaronice Metrificatus (1647) di Partenio Zanclaio. Appendice
Giampaolo Chillè, Conforme al disigno fatto per ditto mastro de Bonanno. Genesi e storia di un monumento cinquecentesco della cattedrale di Messina
Diego Ciccarelli, Appunti per una storia dello Studio messinese di san Francesco
Domenico Ciccarello, Una rara seicentina messinese: la Specula Melitensis di Athanasius Kircher
Giuseppe Lipari, I libri di Nicola Castagna
Appendice 1
Appendice 2
«La piccola biblioteca del Marchese». Un viaggio immaginario tra libri scomparsi
I. Federico Martino, Della contraddizione, ovvero “tradizione” e “innovazione” alle origini della Modernità
II. Carmen Puglisi, I piacevoli diletti di un bibliofilo
Giovan Giuseppe Mellusi, Un inedito episodio di vita francescana nella Messina del Trecento. Appendice
Giovanni Molonia, Opere d’arte dei Cappuccini di Messina trasferite al Museo civico peloritano



Le lettere di Francesco Patrizi


di Paola De Capua

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2014, 421 pp., tavv. IV; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-54-0

€ 80





Abbreviazioni bibliografiche
Tavola delle sigle
I. Dalla ‘domus petrucia’ a Pio II
II. Il governatorato di Foligno
III. Tra riflessione politica e letteratura
La tradizione

Sezione A. Il corpus folignate
Sezione B. Lettere sparse
Appendice documentaria

Indice degli incipit
Indice dei corrispondenti
Indice delle tavole
Indice dei manoscritti e delle fonti d’archivio
Indice dei nomi

Studi medievali e umanistici, XII


XII (2014)

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2014, 280 pp., tavv. XX; 25 cm.
ISSN 2035-3774

€ 120





Caterina Malta, Storici e storia nella riflessione petrarchesca. Il problema del canone
Monica Berté – Silvia Rizzo, «Valete amici, valete epistole»: l’ultimo libro delle Senili
Giovanni Cascio, Sul destinatario di Sine nomine 14: l’arcivescovo Arnošt z Pardubic
Dániel Kiss, Ludovico Regio, Giovanni Luchino Corti and Manilio Cabacio Rallo
Luigi Orlandi, Baldassar Migliavacca lettore e possessore di codici greci
Antonino Antonazzo, Ecdotica e interpretazione in un dictamen del giovane Boccaccio (Epist. IV)

A. Bellieni, «Lux altera Rome». Scipione l’Africano Minore in un carme di Francesco da Fiano
L. Orlandi, Sette nuovi manoscritti copiati e annotati da Demetrio Castreno
A. Tura, Jean Lemaire de Belges tra le letture di Ariosto?

R. Badalì, Carmina medicalia (A. M. Urso)

Indice delle tavole
Indice dei manoscritti e delle fonti d’archivio
Indice dei nomi



CATERINA MALTA, Storici e storia nella riflessione petrarchesca. Il problema del canone
By drawing on some marginalia in the ms. Par. lat. 5816 of the Historia Augusta where Petrarch seems to create a hierarchy of auctores for the historiographic genre, the paper sets out to investigate the idea of ‘tradition’ for the humanist. One of the aims of the present study is also to put into question the possibility of using the category of ‘canon’ as an epistemological key. The paper thus analyses the speculative range of those list of authors that are found in Petrarch’s work and that have been categorised by quoting the notion of ‘canon’, in particular some specific places of the Familiari, the list of peculiares written by young Petrarch in the ms.  Par. lat. 2201 and the catalogue of the historians of the third Tr. Fame.

MONICA BERTÉ – SILVIA RIZZO, «Valete amici, valete epistole»: l’ultimo libro delle Senili
It is generally assumed that Petrarch planned to put at the end of the Seniles the Epistola ad Posteritatem, thereby creating a symmetry with the last Book of the Familiares, which was made up of letters to great men of the past. The paper aims to prove that towards the end of his life Petrarch abandoned this project: sensing that, in his frail health, death was imminent, he judged that the Book XVII – with the famous translation of the last tale in the Decameron – was especially apt to conclude the collection. So he wrote the last letter, Sen. XVII 4, ending with a definitive farewell to friends and letters. The outcome is that it is not correct to print – as recent editors have done – the unfinished letter Ad Posteritatem as Book XVIII of the Seniles. The study of the tradition makes it possible to demonstrate that a difficult passage of Sen. XVII 4, concerning the question of whether the tale of Griselda be history or fable, was never correctly printed, and that the restitution of the wording with appropriate punctuation brings the passage into line with others where Petrarch considers the same problem. The paper also deals with question about Petrarch and the Decameron: how and when he had a copy of it and whether it was ever talked of between the two friends.

GIOVANNI CASCIO, Sul destinatario di Sine nomine 14: l’arcivescovo Arnošt z Pardubic
One of the most distinctive features of Petrarch’s Liber sine nomine is the cautious elimination of the names of the recipients from the 19 letters which form the collection. The article deals mainly with the identification of the addressee of Sine nom. 14. On the grounds of its contents and of some thematic similarities with Fam. XXI 1, addressed on the 29th April 1357 to Arnošt z Pardubic, archbishop of Prague, the A. demonstrates that the letter was delivered together with Fam. XXI 1, on the same day and to the same recipient by Sagremor de Pommiers, Petrarch’s friend and messenger at the service of the Visconti family. Furthermore, a reference in Fam. XXI 1 to some potentially dangerous political writings, to be identified as the first core of the Liber, casts light on the ‘prehistory’ of the antipapal collection.

DÁNIEL KISS, Ludovico Regio, Giovanni Luchino Corti and Manilio Cabacio Rallo
The introductory epigram of Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, MS. Hamilton 561, the presentation copy of a collection of poems by Manilio Cabacio Rallo (c. 1447 – c. 1522), suggests that the volume was copied by Giovanni Luchino Corti. This article argues that in fact the codex was copied by Ludovico Regio. It offers an account of Regio’s life and a list of the manuscripts that he copied or annotated, and it tries to cast light on his collaboration with Luchino Corti.

LUIGI ORLANDI, Baldassar Migliavacca lettore e possessore di codici greciI
The article aims to reconstruct the manuscript collection of Baldassar Migliavacca, a little-known humanist who was in touch with prominent personalities of his time, such as Pico della Mirandola and Ermolao Barbaro. The paleographical study of Migliavacca’s Greek handwriting proves that he was a pupil of the Byzantine scholar Andronicus Callistus. Several annotations in his hand can be found in many of his teacher’s books and in other manuscripts, and shed light on his philological activity on Greek classical texts.

ANTONINO ANTONAZZO, Ecdotica e interpretazione in un dictamen del giovane Boccaccio (Epist. IV)
In this study on Boccaccio’s Epist. IV the A. deals with the fictitious nature of the letter and its addressee. He also corrects the current vulgate text in six places solving problems related to language, handwriting, punctuation and literary sources.

A. BELLIENI, «Lux altera Rome». Scipione l’Africano Minore in un carme di Francesco da Fiano
This article presents the poem by Francesco da Fiano, inc. «Altera lux patrie nitet», whose protagonist is known as Scipio Africanus the Younger. The A. suggests that the poet wrote the text for Palazzo Trinci mural paintings in Foligno. The contribution, besides providing a critical edition of the poem, analyses its literary sources and quotations from ancient and modern authors, such as Petrarch.

L. ORLANDI, Sette nuovi manoscritti copiati e annotati da Demetrio Castreno
This article provides new data on the activity of the Byzantine scholar Deme trius Castrenus, previously known as Anonymus ου-π Harlfinger. Seven new manuscripts copied and annotated by him are here presented.

A. TURA, Jean Lemaire de Belges tra le letture di Ariosto?
The author suggests that Ludovico Ariosto might have been acquainted with Jean Lemaire’s prosimetrum La Plainte du désiré. Moreover, the earliest Paris editions of this work bear on the title-page a woodcut with Lemaire’s coat of arms and multiple devices, one of which seems to have inspired Ariosto in conceiving his own impresa with bees.

Pascoli e l’antiquaria. Carteggio con Felice Barnabei (1895-1912)


di Daniela Gionta

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2014, 155 pp.; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-62-5

€ 30





I. Hederae similes lapsas amplectimur aedes. Antiquaria e poesia.
II. Due casi esemplari: Pomponia Graecina e La civetta

Indice dei manoscritti e delle fonti d’archivio
Indice dei nomi

Pascoli insofferente interprete di Dante


di Matteo Durante

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2014, 266 pp.; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-75-5

€ 40





I. Minerva oscura
II. Da Minerva oscura a Sotto il velame
III. Da Sotto il velame a La mirabile visione
IV. Prolusione al Paradiso e ultime prove dantesche
Nota conclusiva

Indice dei manoscritti e delle fonti d’archivio
Indice dei nomi



Archimede e le sue fortune


Atti del Convegno di Siracusa-Messina,
24-26 giugno 2008
a cura di Vincenzo Fera, Daniela Gionta,
Antonio Rollo

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2014, 737 pp., tavv. XXXIX; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-81-6

€ 120




Nota editoriale
N. Tchernetska, The Archimedes Palimpsest Project: Main Results
K. Saito, Johan Ludvig Heiberg e l’edizione critica di Archimede: i fogli perduti del Metodo
G. Ucciardello, Sui nuovi frammenti d’Iperide nel ‘palinsesto di Archimede’
A. Rollo, Il perduto Archimede di Giorgio Valla
I. Mountriza, Le problème des bæufs: un noveau témoin
G. Morelli, Lo Stomachion di Archimede nelle testimonianze antiche
E. Giusti, Il Metodo di Archimede e la Geometria degli indivisibili
M. Geymonat, Memorie archimedee nella letteratura latina
M. Decorps-Foulquier, Eutocius d’Ascalon témoin indirect de l’oeuvre d’Archimède. L’exemple de la Mesure du cercle
P. D’Alessandro, La traduzione archimedea di Iacopo da San Cassiano e il Tetragonismus Parabolae
R. Tucci, Giorgio Valla e la geometria: Euclide ed Erone
A. Rollo, Un Euclide del Valla
A. Tura, La trasmissione delle soluzioni antiche al problema delico e Fra Giocondo
R. Moscheo, Passato e presente degli studi mauroliciani
P. D. Napolitani, Il Progetto Maurolico
R. Bellé, Francesco Maurolico e Archimede
V. Gavagna, Gli Elementi di Euclide «ex traditione Francisci Maurolyci»
A. Zumbo, L’‘apografo Benedello’ del De piscibus siculis di Francesco Maurolico
D. Gionta, «Libros dorados y illuminados et litteris uncialibus scriptos». Silvestro Maurolico e la biblioteca dell’Escorial
APPENDICE Francesco Maurolico e le matematiche del Rinascimento. L’edizione critica di testi scientifici e la sfida delle nuove tecnologie. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Messina, 16-19 ottobre 2002)
V. Gavagna, Notizia del Convegno
G. Cioffarelli, La Cosmographia di Maurolico: le novità nell’insegnamento dell’astronomia
A. C. Garibaldi, I ‘programmi di ricerca’ mauroliciani
E. Giusti, Francesco Maurolico nella matematica del Cinquecento
W. R. Laird, Francesco Maurolico and the Renaissance of Mechanics
K. Saito, L’edizione di Maurolico dei Conoidi e Sferoidi di Archimede
K. Takahashi, Maurolico’s Optics and the Medieval Tradition
P. D’Alessandro, Francesco Maurolico e il latino
A. Romano, Maurolico tra Messina e il Messico: il tramite gesuita. Note sullo sviluppo della matematica nel Collegio di San Pedro y Paulo di Città del Messico alla fine del XVI secolo

Indice delle tavole
Indice delle fonti manoscritte e delle stampe antiche
Indice dei nomi

I fragmenta dell’epistola Ad posteritatem di Francesco Petrarca


di Laura Refe

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2014, CLIV+132 pp.; 25 cm.
ISBN 978-88-87541-57-1

€ 90





I. Struttura, contenuto, genesi e datazione dell’epistola Ad Posteritatem
II. Testimoni
III. Rapporti fra i testimoni
IV. Le edizioni precedenti e la presente
Criteri editoriali

Ad Posteritatem, de successibus studiorum suorum
Alla Posterità, sugli esiti dei propri studi

Abbreviazioni bibliografiche e edizioni di riferimento

Indice dei luoghi petrarcheschi
Indice dei manoscritti
Indice delle tavole
Indice dei nomi

Studi medievali e umanistici, XI


XI (2013)

Messina, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2013, 245 pp., tavv. IV; 25 cm.
ISSN 2035-3774

€ 80





Alessandro Daneloni, Spigolando ancora tra le note di viaggio del 1491: Poliziano, Procopio di Cesarea e altro
Rossella Bianchi, Battista Guarini lettore di autori antichi
Alessandra Tramontana, Il De corruptis nominibus di Pontico Virunio
Susanna Villari, Gli esordi della critica ariostesca: Lodovico Dolce e l’edizione del Furioso del 1535

A. Rollo, Chrysolorina III
L. Orlandi, In margine alla Ciropedia di Filelfo
A. Daneloni, Un enigmatico autografo di Bartolomeo Fonzio
A. Di Stefano, Un’elegia estravagante di Iacopo Sannazaro

Indice delle tavole
Indice dei manoscritti e delle fonti d’archivio
Indice dei nomi



ALESSANDRO DANELONI, Spigolando ancora tra le note di viaggio del 1491: Poliziano, Procopio di Cesarea e altro
Analytical outline and complete edition of Politian’s excerpts from Procopius of Caesarea’s Historiae and Theodoret of Cirrus’ Methodus (Clm 807, 75v-81r, 81v-82v). On 7 June 1491 the humanist, while staying at Bologna in 1491, transcribed these excerpts from two unknown manuscripts, which had belonged to Lianoro Lianori.

ROSSELLA BIANCHI, Battista Guarini lettore di autori antichi
The A. offers a comprehensive and rigorous survey of the research effort Battista Guarini devoted to the study of the classics. Through an in-depth analysis of some manuscripts and early prints (containing Cicero, Juvenal, Suetonius, Seneca, Servius, Catullus, Claudian) directly or indirectly related to the humanist, the article gives new evidence about the philological aspects of his scholarly profile.

ALESSANDRA TRAMONTANA, Il De corruptis nominibus di Pontico Virunio
The ms. Vat. lat. 10914 is an autograph document by Pontico Virunio that includes the De corruptis nominibus et obscuris locis auctorum – a broad topographic dictionary, organized by means of entries listed in alphabetical order. This essay examines origin and characteristics of a work that has never been completed and is extremely stratified. The analysis of the entries reveal the interests of the humanist, chiefly directed towards antiquitas, epigraphy and philology. But the treaty is also an interesting piece of a tradition of geographical repertories that, through Petrarca and Boccaccio, served as a blueprint for Biondo Flavio.

SUSANNA VILLARI, Gli esordi della critica ariostesca: Lodovico Dolce e l’edizione del Furioso del 1535
This paper explores Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso as printed by Pasini and Bindoni in 1535, with the collaboration of Ludovico Dolce. This edition brought about initial criticism on Ariosto, due to its front and end matter, in particular an Apologia for the poem against the attacks of detractors written by Ludovico Dolce. The Apologia, written during the early stage of debates on chivalric poetry and Orlando Furioso, helps to clarify Ludovico Dolce’s poetic ideology at the beginning of his literary career, and, additionally, to broaden understanding about how the 1532 edition of Orlando furioso was accepted by its early readers. In the appendix to this paper, the Apologia and front and end matter (dedicatory epistles, tables of contents and linguistic ‘tables’) will be reproduced and commented.

A. ROLLO, Chrysolorina III
A hand from the Renaissance Salento so far anonymous is here ascribed to Gabriel, a copyist from the entourage of Sergio Stiso, and the content of some grammars compiled in ‘Terra d’Otranto’ is examined.

L. ORLANDI, In margine alla Ciropedia di Filelfo
The interest for the text of Xenophon’s Cyropaedia accompanied Filelfo during his long career as an intellectual. The aim of this work is to shed new light on the codex Phillips 1627, the Greek text Filelfo used for his Latin translation; this manuscript contains autograph marginal annotations. Furthermore, in the second section of this paper new documentation about the copyist of the codex is provided.

A. DANELONI, Un enigmatico autografo di Bartolomeo Fonzio
This contribution focuses on the presence in Pietro Crinito’s ms. Clm 755 (ff. 153r-174r) of a latin list of names and main subjects from Strabo’s Geographia written by Bartolomeo Fonzio. Although its origin remains enigmatic, his index is of highest interest since it may derive from an unknown strabonian manuscript examined or owned by the humanist.

 A. DI STEFANO, Un’elegia estravagante di Iacopo Sannazaro
The study is about one of Sannazaro’s elegies, that was not published in the 1535 Aldina, but that is held in ms. Viennese latino 9477 and partially in Vaticano latino 3361, in autograph transcriptions. The poem is addressed to a member of the Accademia Pontaniana, Fulvio Scala (perhaps to identify with Francesco Scala, high official at the Aragonese court) and it’s the occasion to celebrate the simple life in the country, without longing for immoderate wealth. The text is here published and translated and some remarks and suppositions are proposed to understand his aim and the real context that is represented under the poetic fiction.