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GLOBUS – Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice(H2020 2016-2020)
THE EU AND COLLECTIVE SECURITIZATION – Project developed in the context of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “The European Union in World Politics: What Power? What Leadership? A Multidisciplinary Approach” (Punto Europa Forlì; Research Grant EU Commission 2014-2017). Output: Special issue on West European Politics forthcoming 2018; Guest Editors: Sonia Lucarelli, James Sperling, Mark Webber.
Scientific Co-Director of the research team working on the Encyclopedia Atlas of Geopolitics (Atlante di geopolitica) Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani (research 2010-2011).
Research Programme Coordinator of the unit of the Forum of the Problems of Peace and War in the Research Project EU-GRASP: Changing Multilateralism: The EU as a Global-regional Actor in Security and Peace , funded by the EU under its Seventh Framework Programme 2009-2012 (Call ID FP7-SSH-2007-1).
Responsible for the coordination of the sub-workpackages: (i) Security management of Human Rights and (ii) Security management of migration.
Research Programme Coordinator of the unit of the Problems of Peace and War in the Network of Excellence Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: the Role of the EU (GARNET), funded by the EU under its Sixth Framework Programme 2005-2010 (Call Identifier: FP6-2002-Citizens-3);
Co-Director (with Furio Cerutti) of the Research Project Search for a European Identity developed within the Jointly Integrated Research Project Normative Issues of the Network of Excellence Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation: the Role of the EU (GARNET), EU Sixth Framework Programme 2005-2010 (Call Identifier: FP6-2002-Citizens-3).
Research Director of the project Values and Principles in European Foreign Policy, financed by the Italian Foreign Ministry (2002-2005). Co-director (with Claudio Radaelli) of the research Mobilizing public debate in the European Union (2004). Director of Research at the Forum on the Problems of Peace and War, Florence 2001-current.