Researcher in Physics at the University of Messina, MIFT Department
Sebastiano Vasi received a B.Sc., a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. degrees in Physics from the University of Messina, Italy, in 2010, 2013, and 2017, respectively. His expertise is on experimental physics of matter, applied physics and teaching of physics.
The most important past activities concern optical trapping of nanostructures, thermodynamic study of the interaction between water and biological molecules, characterization of cultural heritage for studies on their degradation and maintenance to the study of quality and geographical origin of foods.
His current research interests include spectroscopic investigation of complex systems, the optimization of experimental setups aiming to improve their performances and the quality of scientific researches, environmental and solar cells physics, materials' science, sensors, virtual learning environment of Physics and and the creation of experimental setups and of simplified and biologically plausible computational models that include the study of astroglial dynamics.
He has authored and co-authored at least 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 3 book chapters. He reviewed several scientific papers, and he is actually Guest Editor for a Special Issue of "Sustainability" journal and Review Editor for "Frontiers in Physics". He has participated in several national and international conferences and schools, also organizing various events and participating in scientific dissemination activities.
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Via Concezione, n. 8 – 98121 Messina

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